Their were some rumors that Rajkumar Hirani has approached Aamir Khan for the character of Sanjay Dutt and then the role goes to Ranbeer Kapoor, but now according to a fresh news Aamir Khan is going to do a special cameo in Sanjay Dutt's Biopic. The multi-starrer will also have many Bollywood stars as special appearance . The Sanjay Dutt biopic is set to release on March 30, 2018. Stars like Manisha Koirala as Sanjay Dutt's mother Nargis, Dia Mirza as his wife Maanayata Dutt, Anushka Sharma, Sonam Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal will also be seen in the film apart from Ranbeer Kapoor. Know more about the news in this video. Watch Now.